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Scholarship Application

Scholarship Information  for the 2025 FCGSC

LeGrow Family Scholarship


The purpose of the French-Canadian Genealogical Society of Connecticut’s Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a deserving high school graduating senior or Society member of French Canadian extraction who intends to pursue a course of study at either a two-year or four-year educational institution. The FCGSC offers an educational scholarship of $500 to a student for full or part time attendance at a two or four-year regionally accredited college or university or a state-approved and licensed career school. NOTE: Scholarship funds will only be awarded to the student upon FCGSC receipt of evidence of registration in an accredited educational institution.


Criteria and eligibility (FCGSC Scholarship applicants)

1. Applicant must be a current member or the child or grandchild of a current FCGSC member.

2. Applicant must be a graduating high school senior or returning secondary education student.

3. Applicant must have at least a 2.7 grade point average (or a “B-” average).

4. Applicant may receive this scholarship no more than twice.


General Instructions

1. DEADLINE for scholarship applications for 2025 is May 15, 2025 by 4:00 PM.

2. Refer to application process below for a list of the supporting documents needed (i.e., references, forms, evidence of GPA, etc.) Incomplete applications will not be considered.

3. If any question does not apply to you in this application, please put N/A in the space.

4. Type or print legibly. Illegible applications will not be considered. You may download a copy of the application online at  use the link below.

5. You will be notified by June 15, 2025 regarding the status of your application.

6. If you have any questions about the application, please email with Scholarship in the Subject line.


Application Process: Applicants must submit the following:

1. Completed application form (if handwritten, please print legibly in ink)

2. Letter of application, addressed to the Scholarship Committee, that contains a brief description of yourself and your college plans (educational institution, intended major, and anticipated start date). Letter should not exceed one (1) page.

3. Two (2) letters of recommendations from individuals with significant knowledge of your experience and involvement: your high school teachers, administrators, counselors, employers, pastor, etc.

4. A recent official high school transcript with cumulative grade point average.

5. A single-line lineage for yourself, going back to an ancestor who immigrated to Canada or the U.S.

6. An original personal Essay of no more than three (3) typed pages, double-spaced, 12 pt / Times New Roman font. Essay should describe what you have learned about the life of your immigrant ancestor. 

PLEASE NOTE:  The due date has been extended to May 15, 2025.  Some documents may state the old due date.

The application should be mailed to:

FCGSC Scholarship Program Committee

P.O. Box 928

Tolland, CT 06084-0928

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