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Note:  Membership dues include subscriptions to The Connecticut Maple Leaf (journal) and the Maple Leaflet (newsletter).  Members may elect to receive either or both publications via email.

Connecticut Maple Leaf  (CML)

The Connecticut Maple Leaf is a journal published twice a year by the Publications Committee of the FCGSC. A subscription is included in the price of membership. Articles in the Connecticut Maple Leaf  include research in many areas of French-Canadian and Acadian genealogy and history, biographies, how-to articles, the history of towns, events and groups, and extractions of appropriate genealogical records and vital statistics of interest to Franco-Americans. Members and interested guests are encouraged to contribute articles and other information, including extracts from their own family studies. Click on the  following links for the  CML Copyright and Article Submission Policy and Guidelines as an MS Word document or as a pdf.    To contact the CML editor, email, with "ATTN: CML Editor" in the subject line.


Connecticut Maple Leaf  Index to Vol. 1 – 20(2) , 1983 – 2021

This is a complete guide to the first fifteen volumes of the journal of the French-Canadian Genealogical Society of Connecticut, the Connecticut Maple Leaf.  It contains a comprehensive listing of articles appearing in the first fifteen volumes, including materials published during 1983 through 2012. The Index is divided into three sections, alphabetically listing authors of articles, the subjects of those articles cross-indexed under relevant headings, and the titles of the articles as they originally appeared in the CML.  Click for a link to the CML Index. Members may also access a searchable copy of the Index on the Members page.            


Copies of articles in the Connecticut Maple Leaf, Volumes 1-16, may be requested for $1.00 per page, postage included. Individual issues, where available, are also for sale. See listing under the "For Sale" tab.  Address requests for article reprints or back issues of the CML to, ATTN: Library Director.

Maple Leaflet  

The Maple Leaflet newsletter is currently published quarterly. Beginning in January, 2018, the Maple Leaflett will be published twice a year, in March and September. It provides information on upcoming FCGSC events, changes or additions to library hours or resources, news and announcements and other matters of interest to Society members.

Contributions of news, announcements or other information are always welcome. Please contact the newsletter editor at, with "ATTN: Newsletter Editor" in the subject line.

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