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French-Canadian Genealogical Society of Connecticut, Inc.

Library Hours
Wednesdays & Saturdays 1-5 PM
Questions? Call 860-872-2597 and leave a message or email
Volunteers to allow us to reopen on additional days 1-5 PM are needed. Training is available.
Contact us by email at info@fcgsc.or leav ea voice message at 860-872-2597 for details.

Directions to FCGSC Library
From I-84, take Exit 68 (the UCONN exit), toward Tolland, and follow Route 195 north, 0.7 mile.
Our office and library are located on the first floor of the old County Courthouse building, two doors north of the Congregational Church, directly across from the STOP sign at the end of Tolland Green. Parking is in the rear of the building.
For driving directions, just click on the pin on the map.
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